Faculty Workload Guidelines

Approved 8/10/92 

下列指导方针应指导系主任和院长分配教员负荷. 额外批准的指导方针,具体到部门和学院,可能适用. 教学任务必须在安排之前与教师讨论.

Full-time Load:
The normal full-time, 本科生和最大的菠菜的平台的教学负荷是每学期11到13个学分. 但是,各种情况可能导致负载超出此范围.

Committee Assignments: 
Participation on departmental, 学校, and institutional committees; involvement with faculty and student organizations and their activities; and student advising are expectations of full-time faculty. Released time for special or extraordinary committee, organizational, 或咨询义务必须由院长在获得SVCAA批准的情况下指派. Non-tenure track, full-time faculty without significant committee, organizational, 或者咨询义务可能有超过11到13个小时的教学负荷.

Independent Studies and Thesis Advising:

教师可以积累学生独立学习和论文指导作业的学分. 学生的论文指导学时将增加一倍,以满足教师的负担.e., 6个学生论文学分将为独立研究和论文指导作业的教师累积增加12个学生学分. 独立学习和论文指导作业累计36学时的教师在下一学期将减少三个学时的负担.

Laboratory Courses:
Laboratory contact hours normally count as 1/2 of lecture contact hours. Specific approved college and department guidelines may apply.

Research and Public Service:
研究服务理事会或其他内部和外部资金来源将向SVCAA推荐用于研究和公共服务的空闲时间, SVCAA将批准这样的任务,并报销学院的教师释放时间, SVCAA还将批准RSC和其他由大学管理的内部或外部资金来源直接支付给教师,用于教学负荷之外的研究和公共服务, e.g.在教师没有完全被分配到教学的夏季,研究或服务,

Dependent on college resources, 院长可以将空闲时间分配给根据院系和/或系主任的推荐申请的教员,用于研究或公共服务.

Faculty who have or anticipate graduate teaching obligations, i.e., those who are or must become Graduate Faculty Members or Fellows, should have particular consideration in assigned time for research. However, 凡与加强教学计划及教师专业发展直接相关之研究,应获考虑.



Course Preparation:
The number of course preparations, especially the development of new courses, may be a factor in load assignment. 课程准备和/或开发的空闲时间将由主席和院长向SVCAA推荐.

Student Load:
Faculty teaching very small, but programmatically necessary classes, may teach more than thirteen hours, 前提是他们的学生总负荷仍然明显低于正常规模班级的总负荷. 教授大班的教师可以少于11个小时,只要学生的总负荷仍然超过正常的学生总负荷11到13个小时.

在每个学期很难分配11到13个小时的领域, 教师可能会被分配一个学期多教几个小时,另一个学期少教几个小时,以达到这个范围内的平均水平.

Adjustments Requiring Approved Specific Guidelines:
Non-credit laboratory, studio, and-clinical instruction; external supervision of internships and student teachers; private lessons and supervision of performance, studio and media productions; and coaching assignments all require SVCAA-approved specific guidelines. In special instances, 哪些课程对课堂准备有特别严格的要求, individual student contact, or evaluation of student writing and other projects, svcaa批准的具体指导方针可能比实际学时更重视课程. 在准备和评价要求很少或由助理或技术组成部分支持的情况下, svcaa批准的具体指导方针可能会以低于实际学分的方式评估课程.

Department Chair Load:
根据部门的规模和项目和服务的复杂程度,系主任每学期将有3到6个小时的空闲时间. 这样的释放时间将由院长决定并由SVCAA批准. Other coordination activities within departments, e.g., coordinating graduate programs or graduate teaching assistants, may also be assigned released time by the Dean with approval of the SVCAA.

Summer Loads:
Summer loads will be assigned by the Chair, the Dean, 和SVCAA,并在与集体谈判协议一致的聘书中指定,

Overloads will be assigned by the Chair, the Dean, 和SVCAA,并在与集体谈判协议一致的聘书中指定.

Exceptions to the Policy:
Assignments for part-time faculty, adjunct faculty, and graduate assistants are subject to separate policies.


See also: