诺艾尔N. Bohaty

跳舞 Program Director / Associate Professor of 跳舞, Technique & 编排

办公室: 工厂 109A   |    电话: (308) 865-8642   |    电子邮件: bohatynn@videobride.net

诺艾尔N. Bohaty


诺艾尔Bohaty holds a Master of Fine 艺术 from The Ohio State University with an emphasis in choreography 和 performance. Her research interests include dance, theatre, text, site-specific performance. Prior to graduate school, Noelle was a Lecturer of 跳舞 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her classes follow a progression from exploring intention 和 initiation through floor work to driving through space with succulent fullness.
Originally from Nebraska, Noelle has taught dance for more than 15 years, including a year-long residency with 80+ middle 和 high school students from across Nebraska at the Lied Center for Performing 艺术 in Lincoln. She was a guest instructor at American College 跳舞 Association, she has performed, choreographed 和 directed many regional theatrical productions. She has taught at various pre-professional studios across the Midwest, most recently at BalletMet Academy in Columbus, OH. Her choreographic work has earned her awards from organizations such as Musical Theatre International, the American College 跳舞 Association Conference.
To date, Noelle has choreographed 和/or directed over 80 theatrical productions including: 唐乔凡尼 (The Ohio State University), Church Basement Ladies (Nebraska Repertory Theatre), Godspell, Wizard of Oz, Singin’ in the Rain (Lofte Community Theatre), Jason Robert Brown’s 13, High School Musical (Lied Center for Performing 艺术, Pinewood Bowl). Recent premieres of original works include:  羽毛 & 蜡, 决议, figurehead: waves to wreck事物的顺序, the culminating performance project of her MFA career based in 和 around the poetry of Anne Sexton, the mythological story of Icarus, as well as the original script the other side of the sun/what comes after happy 由Bohaty.
As a performer, Bohaty herself has appeared in numerous dance productions including 穿越黑暗 (Minneapolis Fringe Festival), 碎片 (Sheldon Museum of Art), Cie Blicke for Movement 艺术 和 Design in Europe (Meliséy, France), 天使之城 (The Ohio State University). Ms. Bohaty has performed works by Melanie Bales, Susan Van Pelt Petry, 亚历山德拉•贝尔, Nia的爱, David Marchant 和 was a principal dancer in Susan Levine’s company, SLOdance. She graduated magna cum laude from Washington University in St. 路易, earning her Bachelor of 艺术 in 跳舞 和 Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology, with additional degrees in Acting 和 Children’s Studies (2008).
Noelle’s work seeks to provoke thought, mourn opportunity lost 和 connect us to each other through the one thing we all share: bodies. 生活是混乱的. Art-making finds the beauty in the mess. What you can’t speak, you sing. What you can’t sing, you dance.


DANC 122        跳舞 Appreciation
DANC 131        Modern 跳舞 I
DANC 132        Modern 跳舞 II
DANC 141        Ballet I
DANC 142        Ballet II
DANC 148        Jazz 跳舞 I
DANC 149        Jazz 跳舞 II
DANC 236        Tap 跳舞 I
DANC 237        Tap 跳舞 II
DANC 248        Jazz 跳舞 III
DANC 331        Modern 跳舞 III
DANC 343        Ballet III
DANC 344        跳舞 Improvisation & 基本组成